what size wooly bugger for trout

What Size Wooly Bugger for Trout Fishing: Different Sizes

When trout fishing, selecting the appropriate size Wooly Bugger is crucial for success. The size of the fish you’re targeting significantly determines the fly size you should use. A size 10 (16mm) Wooly Bugger is ideal for smaller trout, such as brook or rainbow trout. This size mimics the natural prey these fish typically feed…

what are fishing beads used for

What Are Fishing Beads Used For: 6 Facts

Fly fishing is a refined angling technique, and anglers often employ a variety of strategies and equipment to entice their quarry. Among the many tools at their disposal, fishing beads stand out as essential components for certain situations.  Fishing beads are versatile tools that serve multiple purposes in your fishing setup. They attract fish by…

Bait vs Lure for Fishing

Bait vs Lure for Fishing: 7 Primary Differences

When considering fishing, one of the fundamental decisions anglers face is whether to use bait or lures. Both approaches have their merits, and choosing between them can significantly impact your fishing experience and success. Bait fishing uses natural substances to attract fish, like worms or minnows. This fishing is a more passive approach, where you…

Do Fish Like WD40

Do Fish Like WD40: Find the Actual Truth

Fishing enthusiasts have used various types of bait and lure to attract fish for generations. However, the use of WD-40 as a fishing attractant has become a controversial topic. So, if you’re wondering whether fish are attracted to WD40, the answer is no. This petroleum-based product cleans rust and other contamination from surfaces and doesn’t…